Friday, December 6, 2013

Dear Student,

Thank you for your email. You ask a very good question about the pop up. The pop up window that came up indicating that this course requires 20 hours of service means that there is 20 hours of service. I know that’s weird and unclear. And we should definitely be more clear about what it means. Because it’s confusing to see something saying “this course requires 20 hours of service outside of the classroom” and know that what that means is there are 20 hours of service required outside of the classroom. Very complex, I know.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dear Student,

Thank you for sending me three emails within 5 minutes. They all included the exact same information. And none of the included the information I actually need- like you student ID. That was extremely helpful. 


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dear concerned, overbearing, overeager, Mom,

Thank you for your multiple emails this week. It sure is a pleasure to work with you. Though, I really have to wonder at this point if it is you completing your daughter’s degree or your daughter. Our institution looks favorably on non-traditional students, so you don’t have to hide behind your daughter to conceal your zealous pursuit of education. Indeed, you are proving to be an extremely active student. Case in point, I have interacted far more with you than with your daughter (which is why I am beginning to wonder if she truly exists). You do always refer to yourselves, so maybe you are comfortably dealing with multiple personalities?

If that is not the case, and your daughter truly is the one pursuing a degree with us it would be great to know she exists. I know you must have the FERPA regulations down by hear now, given how many times I have sent them to you, and yet I always enjoy the emails, from your specific email account, “signed” by you and your daughter.

I even enjoyed the most recent email where you flat out ignored my passionate pleas to let your daughter speak for herself. I really hope you are both working hard together so you can complete all her assignments for her, accompany her on job interviews, and live all her life for her. You’re definitely doing her a lot of favors. 


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dear Student,
Thank you for your email. Instructions are definitely just guidelines. They are not intended to provide helpful information at all. You are correct to assume that the phone number provided in the instructions is NOT the number you should contact. You should definitely just contact me even though the instructions say if you encounter this specific situation to contact that other number. Ignore that. That number is just a prank line. Not helpful at all. I just wanted to see how many students would be dumb enough to follow directions. You are definitely smarter than the instructions and I will give you a SPECIAL set of instructions just because you asked.


Dear Student, 

You are right, I should have clarified. In my auto response entitled "Out of the Office" where I say I will be out of the office November 27-December 2, I should have made it more clear that I wouldn't be responding to emails. You are correct, I DO still have access to the internet and email over the holidays. I know this means that I should still be checking my work email, incessantly actually, so that I can respond to your last minute whim to register. And yes, the hold on your account was completely frivolous and had nothing to do with your lack of preparation or accountability.
